Infrared sensors - Technical specifications

Infrared sensors - Technical specifications


The infrared sensor is a crowd counting system based on infrared technology. 

The infrared sensor is made of two small units with two parallel infrared beams. When the infrared beams are crossed by someone an entry or an exit is measured. The access is measured as an entry or as an exit depending on the infrared beam firstly crossed.

The data measured is then sent by radio waves (2,4 GHz) to a data collector plugged at a distance between 0 and 20 meters, which ultimately transmit the information through 3G/4G network towards Affluences servers to be analysed and processed.

The infrared sensor is an ergonomic crowd counting system, which is also autonomous, easy to configure and flexible when implemented.

Technical features

Technical specifications - Infrared sensors
Bi-directional infrared beams (measuring entry and exit crossing)
Counting area size
Crossing point measuring between 1 and 5 meters in width
On both side of the crossing point
Maximum width
From 1 to 5m
Professional double-face adhesive tape (high level of resistance)
Power supply
AA batteries - length of duration: from 1 to 2 years
Data collector
Electric 230V plug-in
Dimensions (H x W x D)
115 x 70 x 26mm
Data collector
117 x 73 x 23mm
Data collector
Data measurement
Counting data retrieval
3G/4G mobile network
Counting data refresh
Every minute
Internal storage capacity
21 days


Black or white


Step 1: Prerequisite

Crossing point: width inferior to 5 meters

Step 2: On site-installation

Positioning the Infrared sensor (height between 80cm and 135cm), based on the installation instructions
Fixing the infrared sensor
Checking the data collection

Step 3: Post-installation follow up

Checking measured data relevance and adjusting with a correcting ratio if required
Commissioning the infrared sensor (data get published on the information tools)


Example of black infrared sensors

Accessories: Pole

Optional metal support pole are available for passages where sensors cannot be installed on either side of the passage, or on existing supports.
The poles must be fixed to the ground (screwed or glued with strong glue) to prevent the sensors from shifting and rendering the counting inoperative.
Height : 1m

Visual of a pole

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