Integration of existing counting data with Affluences' software connector
The Affluences tool is designed to be simple, modular and intelligent. Our vision is to provide a single management tool, bringing together data from different systems.
The integration of existing systems is part of the Affluence DNA. Many of our partners have an existing counting system on which we interface to retrieve data, integrate it into the Affluences web portal and if necessary share it (i.e. with widgets and API).
The integration of past data from existing systems can also help us to consolidate our algorithm for predicting occupancy or waiting times.

Regarding accuracy, Affluences is not responsible for the equipment previously installed and therefore for the quality of the integrated data (counting discrepancies, real-time data, etc.).
Integration method
We recover the counting data depending on the system installed on site thanks to our software connectors provided for this purpose:
- If the data is only accessible locally (offline), we install on site (on a Windows workstation) a software connector that automatically queries the database containing the counting information, then sends the results to our servers. The exchange is done with the HTTPS protocol on port 443. No network configuration is required.
- If the data is accessible from the Internet (online access), we retrieve it directly from our servers using the API provided for this purpose. This must show the real-time attendance of the establishment concerned in JSON or XML format (entries, exits or number of people present).
These data are then integrated into the database at 5-minute intervals.
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