If an institution makes resources available for booking, then users can reserve them in just a few clicks via the Affluences mobile app (available on Android and iOS) or via the website
Access to the reservation system is reserved for establishments that have subscribed to a minimum Bronze license.
The reservation module is divided into 6 sections, allowing complete and flexible management over the resources that can be reserved.
The first section of the reservations tab lets you view, in calendar or list format, all past, current and future reservations for each resource.
The resource and the week selected appear above the calendar.
The related bookings can appear in different ways depending on their status:
- Light blue: reservation to be confirmed by the user
- Orange: booking confirmed by user, user presence to be validated
- Dark blue: reservation confirmed
The shaded areas of the calendar correspond to times when the resource cannot be booked.

The List format also allows you to sort your reservations by resource, start time, duration of the reservation, date on which the reservation was made, email address of the person who made the reservation, status of the reservation (confirmed, cancelled, etc...).

When a user wishes to book a resource, a confirmation email will be sent to the address indicated. The user will then have 2 hours to click on the confirmation link, failing which the reservation will be automatically cancelled.
Once the booking has been confirmed, the user will receive a summary email enabling them to add the event to their diary, or to cancel their booking if they are unable to attend.

A person with the right to manage reservation schedules (administrator) will be able to reserve a resource for a third party as soon as the resource is available, by choosing the desired slot on the calendar (for example, for a person wishing to reserve by telephone or at the reception desk). An email address will be required to receive a summary of the booking. You will not be asked to confirm the booking. Alternatively, you can enter a generic email address for your establishment.
Bookings made in this way appear under the heading "Bookings made by platform" in the Statistics tab.
Please note that administrators are not subject to booking restrictions (quotas, domain names, etc.).
To display the details of a reservation, click on the chosen slot.
Validation of the user's presence as an administrator
This validation is done from the same tab.
Make a reservation as an administrator
An administrator has the possibility to make reservations following a call or an e-mail or directly at the reception desk for example:
- By clicking on "Add a reservation" at the top right
- By clicking directly on the schedule
This reservation will be automatically confirmed.
A person with the rights to manage reservation schedules (administrator) is not subject to any restrictions. Thus:
- An administrator will be able to reserve a resource for a third party by entering his or her email address or a generic email address for the institution even if the reservation slots overlap (by default, a user cannot reserve 2 overlapping slots)
- An administrator will be able to make reservations beyond the set quotas
- If multi-booking is enabled, he/she will be able to book several slots with the same email address
Reservations made in this way will be identified in the column "Reservation made by an administrator" in the Statistics tab.
Modify a reservation: Rules for an Administrator and the User
As an administrator, it is possible to modify and/or change the reservation under the following conditions:
- As long as the slot hasn't started
- If the slot has already started:
- If the library service offers a lot of different reservation times and duration options:
- the specific reservation cannot be changed, its duration can only be canceled by the administrator
- the user cannot do anything
- If the service has a duration that is different than the maximum possible reservation duration, it can only be modified by the administrator starting from the last reservation time
- Example: if a user reserves from 12:00-4:00 pm:
- Between 12 pm and 3:30 pm: the user or an administrator can modify the reservation
- Between 3:30 pm and 4 pm: the user can't do anything but the administrator can cancel it
Setting up a recurring booking
A recurring booking is a booking for one or more slots during the day that is repeated over time:
- On specific days of the week (Monday, Tuesday...)
- Daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly, bimonthly, etc.
- Over a long period (for example, every Tuesday until 9 April 2024) (1 year maximum).
- And for more advanced cases, depending on the place of the day in the month (e.g. the 1st and last Monday of the month).
To do this, a button is available in the pop-up window for adding a new booking in the "planning" tab.
Only the admin that have access to the portal can make a recurring reservation; this function is not directly accessible to the public. Users must make a request to a manager (for example, a receptionist) to make a recurring reservation. Once the request has been made, the manager can enter the user's email address so that they can receive all the information relating to their booking via a single confirmation email or find it directly on their "Affluences" application.
Each booking is subject to the same rules as single bookings, for example:
- If the user cancels a booking, the other recurring bookings will not be cancelled.
- If activated, the user must validate their presence at each occurrence.
- If the resource's opening hours are changed, the reservation that is no longer within the opening hours will be cancelled. On the other hand, if the resource was closed and then reopened, and the recurrence was previously programmed, a new reservation will not be added.
- All bookings will appear in the application as if they had been made individually. However, in the details of one of the bookings, an insert specifying the recurrence will be displayed.

The manager can cancel either a single occurrence or all recurring bookings.
If the resource is already booked on a recurring booking occurrence, the manager will have two choices:
- Cancel the existing reservation and replace it with the recurring reservation
- Keep the existing reservation and not add an occurrence for this slot. (Only available for single-booking resources)

If the second option is chosen, the user will receive details of the slots that could not be reserved in the confirmation email.
Cancelling a booking (administrator rules)
The administrator can cancel a booking, even if the booking slot has already started, until the end of the slot.
To do this:
- Go to the Planning tab
- Click on the booking you wish to cancel. A details window opens with a Cancel reservation button in red.
- Another window will appear in which you can enter a reason for the cancellation: this information will inform the user of the reason for the cancellation.
- Confirm the cancellation by clicking on Cancel reservation
Recurrent bookings
It is possible to create a booking for one or more time slots during the day:
- On specific days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, etc.)
- Daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly, bimonthly...
- For more advanced cases, depending on the place of the day in the month (e.g. the 1st and last Monday of the month).
You must enter the end date of the recurring booking.

It is only possible to modify one booking slot at a time. If you want to change all the bookings for the entire recurring period, it is preferable to delete the recurring period and reschedule it.
To access this function, a button is available in the pop-up window for adding a new booking in the "Manage schedule" tab:

This function is only available for single-booking resources.
Cancel a recurring booking
It is possible to cancel only the selected booking or this one and all subsequent ones. A reason for cancellation will be requested after clicking on the "Ok" button.
Find user
The Search for a user section allows you to find a user easily using the search field.
Once you have clicked on the user in question, you can view their booking history or see if they have already been blocked by an administrator.

You can block a user by clicking on Block history, then on the red button (block user) and finally by indicating the desired period and the reason. This will block access to the reservation system for the period indicated.
The Resource section allows you to :
- Create new resources to reserve or modify existing ones
- Choose the channels for bookings: indicate whether the resources open for booking are available on mobile (from the application) and/or on the web (on the reservation.affluences.com website)
- Set the availability of resources: whether or not they are open to multi-booking (see below)
- Enter general information for each resource: name, description, type. This information will be visible on the different channels selected
- Enter additional information. Once the booking has been validated by the user, this information will be sent in the confirmation email (instructions, message, hypertext link, etc.).
Multi-reservation and workshops
The multi-reservation feature allows several users to book the same resource for a given time slot. Once this feature has been activated for a specific resource, the granularity of the reservation slots and the maximum capacity must be set.

In the case of multiple reservations, the granularity is equal to the maximum duration of the reservation.
The display in the booking schedule will then be different, with a numerical display in X / Y format, where X is the number of bookings made and Y is the maximum number of bookings per slot.

This feature is particularly effective for registering for open-access workshops or events.
It is also practical for shared workspaces.

Users can choose to reserve one or more places (depending on the maximum capacity and the number of places remaining open for reservation). Reservations are validated immediately, and users can then share their booking by email or text message.
If your resources do not have the same opening hours as your facility, you can manually change the opening hours of your resources.
This tab allows you to set the bookable hours of the resources.
Exceptional times (identified by a blue background) can be set to indicate booking times that differ from the standard times on a one-off basis (e.g. closure on public holidays, new times during school holidays, etc.).
The "Set up the establishment" section contains different modules allowing you to define general reservation rules for your entire institution and its resources.
Institutions settings
This section allows you to define :
- The number of days that can be reserved in advance (from 1 to 180 days)
- Changing the number of days available for advance booking applies to all resources. If you require different lead times for different resources, please contact support (support@affluences.com).
- Additional information that will be included in the reservation confirmation email (applicable to all resources)
- Contact address: the address that will allow users to contact you for any question related to their reservation
- An error message will be displayed when the email address is rejected (if you have applied a restriction)

Don't forget to give a contact address: this will enable users to conact you if they have any questions about their booking.
This tab allows you to view the resource types used by your resources.
Resource types can also be created for customization purposes (change the description, the icon and insert a translation in several languages).
When an institution offers more than one type of resource for a reservation, the user will be presented with a menu allowing him to choose the type of resource he wishes to reserve. It is on this menu that the different pictograms appear.
Create a new resource type
It is possible to create a customised resource type. To do this, click on Add in the Services section:
You can then select the pictogram of your choice and enter a description and a sub-description. If you wish to enter this information in another language, simply click on Add a translation and select the additional language of your choice from the drop-down menu. Click Confirm to finalise the creation of the new resource type.
Assigning a new resource type
Once created, your resource type will appear in the list of available types. You can go to Resources and then modify the Type field of the resources in question.

Important: to ensure that your resource type appears in the drop-down menu, remember to refresh the page in your browser.
Quotas management
To allow a fair use of the resources available for booking, it is possible to define reservation quotas for all users.
A quota corresponds to the maximum number of hours that can be reserved for a user and can be defined by the day, week, or month. These quotas can be set differently for each type of resource.
Booking restrictions
Thanks to the restrictions, it is possible to limit the reservation of the institution's resources to users with an e-mail address of a specific domain name/subdomain. (e.g.:

Example: For a university, only students with a university student email address (
name.forename@university.uk) will be able to reserve resources at the institution.
These restrictions can be specified for all or part of the resources. For example, you could restrict the reservation of rooms on one floor to the teaching staff and the rest of the rooms to students.
For each domain name, all you need to do is tick the resources that you want to open up to reservation for these users.
If you'd like to take a closer look at the history and use of the booking system, you can use the Export function to extract the data in .csv format for further processing.
In this section you can select the period of your choice and download the data from the corresponding bookings.

The exported file can then be sent to any other department ito check reservations
Use cases
The Affluences reservation system can be used in a variety of ways.
By default, the booking system is designed to be 100% autonomous: it limits any intervention by staff, as users have full control over their booking (confirmation, cancellation). All they have to do is go to the room at the specified time.
Users can also validate their presence using a QR code: this validation is completely autonomous and will allow you to optimise bookings as much as possible. If the user does not validate their presence by flashing the QR code, their reservation will automatically be cancelled and other users will be able to reserve the resource that has been made available.
Presence validation can be envisaged by an administrator: the user goes to reception with their reservation (to collect a key, for example). They are given a unique code for verification.
To activate these functions, please contact Support:
support@affluences.com. Validation of the user's presence by QR code is part of an additional service.
Other available features
A number of features will enable you to tailor the booking system to your needs. For the moment, these features cannot be configured directly from the administration portal: to activate them, you will need to write to Support:
- Reservation slider: when multi-reservation is activated from the portal, a user reserves a place when making a reservation. Activating the booking cursor will allow the user to book several places when making the same booking. To do this, tell the Support team :
- The establishment concerned
- The resource concerned (resources created after the activation of this function will not have the reservation slider by default)
- The maximum number of places per booking. You can also specify a minimum number of places
- Example use case: to enable a family or group of friends to register for the same event/workshop
- Blocking bookings: as well as being able to set the number of days that can be booked in advance, you can ask for bookings to be blocked for x number of hours. To do this, tell the Support team :
- The establishment concerned
- The resource concerned (resources created after the activation of this feature will not be affected by this block)
- The number of hours for blocking reservations
- Example use case: do not allow the user to book for the same day (24-hour block)
- Occupancy rate based on bookings: it is possible to display an occupancy rate for the establishment based on confirmed bookings. To add this functionality, please contact our Support team