The Statistics module is accessible starting from a Silver license.
The Statistics tab allows you to easily consult the statistics related to an institution.
The data present under this tab comes from the sensors that are present in the institution (Affluences technologies and/or interconnections with third-party systems).
It is divided into three parts:
- Historic
- Analyze (available with the Golden license)
- Forecasting (available with the Golden license)
It allows you to choose the granularity that would be the most relevant to study:
- Per half hour: for a fine analysis of data over a short period of time
- By day: for an analysis allowing to identify some daily trends
- By week: to compare periods without taking into account the variations due to the different days of the week
- By month: to compare periods without taking into account the variations due to the different months
- By year: to compare data from one year to the next
By clicking on "Filter", it is possible to choose a day or a given period, but also to compare two periods (allowing for example to superimpose the curves of 2 different weeks in order to compare them).
Types of statistics
People Crowd Flow
- In: number of visitors entering the facility
- Out: number of visitors leaving the facility
- Visitors on site: number of visitors present on the premises (entries - exits)
- Occupancy rate: calculation of the number of visitors present divided by the gauge (defined in the Administration tab) ( [(entries - exits) ÷ (max capacity)] × 100 )
- Average presence time: time spent by visitors on average during the day on the premises (calculated from the variables of entries, exits, visitors present and duration of opening during the day). Its unit is decimal hours (eg. 1.5h = 1h 30mins).
- Waiting time: time spent by the visitor in each queue equipped with dedicated sensors
- Number of opening hours: number of hours the institution has been opened
- Number of bookings: total number of reservations made from the mobile application, the reservation portal or directly by the administrator in the administration portal (confirmed and cancelled reservations)
- Number of unique bookings: number of people who have made at least one reservation. Note that people who have not confirmed their reservation after 2 hours (reservation automatically cancelled) and then make another reservation will only be counted once
- Bookings by platform: total number of reservations by distinguishing the media platform used (mobile application, reservation portal or administration portal)
- Average duration: average duration of a reservation out of all the reservations of the establishment

New : you can now filter these indicators based on the reservation status
- All reservations
- Actual reservations : subset corresponding to reservations that took place (reservations that were not canceled).
- Cancelled reservations : subset corresponding to reservation that have been either manually or automatically canceled.
- Not validated reservations : subset corresponding to reservations that have been automatically canceled due to validation timeout exceeded.
You can also filter by resource or resource type
- Number of displays: the frequency at which the institutions pops on within the search bar on the mobile application and on the website
- Number of clicks: number of visits to the institution’'s pages in the mobile application and on the website
- WebAPI: number of times the webAPI is displayed on your digital media
The Reports feature allows you to schedule an automatic email of reports containing your Affluence statistics data.
To create a report :
- Select the desired sites (or resources), indicators & granularity
- Click on "generate a scheduled report". You can then add a name, a list of recipients and choose the frequency of reception of the report

Please note that, depending on the granularity selected in the main view, not all the report reception frequencies will be available.
You can modify the report at any time by clicking on "modify this report".

This report contains an export of the data in .csv format and a graphic in .png format.
Unsubscribing from scheduled reports
By clicking on "If you wish to unsubscribe from this report, click here", present at the bottom of the page of all reports sent. The user is redirected to a web page in order to confirm his/her wish to unsubscribe.
Once unsubscribed, the user will not receive these reports in the future.

If a report no longer has a recipient, then it is deleted.
Download (Export)
The Download feature allows you to export statistics:
On the right, under the Filter tab, you can directly choose what type(s) of data you want to see visualized, and you can then download the report(s) under the following formats:
- Directly as an image in PNG format that replicates exactly the graphs that are presented in the ‘Historic’ tab
- In an spreadsheet (csv) format where the data appears in a raw form (to allow reworking of the statistics if necessary), usually under two columns
The Download feature allows you to export statistics :
- Directly in the graphical form presented on the Affluences web portal in image format for immediate use (emails, activity reports, etc.) - png format
- In a spreadsheet format where the data appears in raw form (to allow reworking of the statistics if necessary) - csv format
As with the planned reports, select the desired sites (or resources), indicators & granularity before choosing the format for downloading the statistics.
The Analysis section allows you to track key indicators over time. As for the History part, you can choose a day or a given period but also compare two periods.

- Maximum waiting time: maximum queuing time in your facility for the selected period
- Maximum on-site visitors: maximum occupancy rate at a time T in your institution over the selected period
- Maximum number of entries: maximum attendance for a given day over the selected period
- Total number of bookings: number of reservations for the selected period
- Top resources booked: the top 3 most used resources with the corresponding number of bookings over the selected period
- Channel distribution: booking channel for your resources (mobile, web, administration portal)
- Number of view: total number of views in the mobile application and on the Affluences website over the selected period
- Most consulted day: maximum number of views on the mobile application and on the website reached in one day
- Number of opening hours: number of hours the institution has been opened
Forecasts are displayed dynamically for the forthcoming week and can be used, for example, to organize your teams or inform the public about upcoming peaks in attendance.