Visualise the bookings of several resources on the same calendar

Visualise the bookings of several resources on the same calendar

The Reservations > Planning tab allows you to have visibility of the reservations made for a selected resource.

You can view a schedule of bookings made for one or more resources by importing the booking calendar for these resources from an external tool (Outlook, Google Calendar, Lotus...). Only the public information related to the reservations will be displayed in the imported calendars (start date and end date of the reservation slot). Thus, the last name, first name or email address used during the booking will not be available in the imported calendar.

As this is only a viewer interface, changes made on external tools are not reflected in the Affluences planning. For example, if a booking is added, changed or deleted in Outlook, it will not be added, changed or deleted in the Affluences system. This ensures the integrity of the Affluences reservation system.

How it works

You can generate reservation plans in ICS format from a URL:{RESOURCE_ID}&days={DAYS_NUMBER} with the following parameters to be replaced in the URL:
  • {RESOURCE_ID}: the ID of the desired resource. This ID can be found in the Reservations tab > Set up Resources
  • {DAYS_NUMBER}: the number of days to be displayed (maximum 31 days)

The time taken to refresh the schedule depends on the tool chosen (from a few minutes to several hours).

Example with Google Calendar

Once the URL is set, go to Google Calendar and add a new calendar using the URL :

Example with Outlook

Once the URL is set, open Outlook and go to Calendar and add a new calendar using Internet:

Then rename the generated calendar to make it easier to find.

Examples of calendars

Mise à jour: Il y a 3 mois

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