Installing an infrared sensor with a 3G/4G data collector

Installing an infrared sensor with a 3G/4G data collector

Affluences’ technical team is available for further support to help accompany the material preparation and installation process. Do not hesitate to contact us at


  1. 2 crowd counting pairs of infrared sensors
  2. 1 data collector 3G/4G retrieving and sharing the data collected
  3. 1 5V 2A power cable 


  1. The spot where the infrared sensor’s installation will take place must be identified prior to the installation, or on-site with the help of Affluences’ technical team.
  2. A 220V working plug (at least during opening hours) must be identified at a maximum distance of 10 meters from the spot where the infrared sensors will be placed. This plug must preferably be inaccessible to students and/or the public, but accessible to the staff in the case of a potential intervention or change.


  1. plug in the data collector
  2. install the infrared sensors
  3. cross the infrared beam between the sensors and validate with Affluences’ technical team that they function properly
  4. take pictures of the sensors’ installation and forward them to Affluences’ technical team

How to install 

1. Connection

Connect the power supply cable into the data collector, and then connect the power socket into the plug

2. Lights

Check that the data collector is correctly connected to the plug, based on the presence of flickering and/or fixed LED lights on the collector.

3. Location 

Check thoroughly the exact spots of the access points where infrared sensors will be positioned. 
The sensors must be placed at a height between 90cm and 120cm to accurately measure visitor flow.

4. Identification 

Identify each infrared sensor’s box as visible in the above picture. 
The sensor box labeled with the PRx20w1 tag must always be placed on the left of the access door when entering the institution or the space that it will measure. 

5. Fixation 

On the back of each infrared sensor, there is some double-faced professional tape.
Remove the professional tape’s films and place the infrared sensors vertically. 
Strongly push on the sensor box to ensure that it is well fixated to the wall. 

6. Contact Affluences’ support

As soon as the sensors are installed, please contact Affluences’ support, either by sending an email to Affluences’ support team ( or to the person in charge of this project’s maintenance so they can double-check the implementation of the sensors.

Do not forget to provide us with pictures of the installation (a view of both sensors and the data collector) to enable analysis of any potential mispositioning of sensors or any problems related to the data collected and, ultimately, update the project after the installation with your Affluences’ contact.

Frequently asked questions

  1. What is the turn screw’s use? Should we keep it?

The screwdriver enables changing the batteries in the sensors. It is preferable to keep it at hand for changing batteries when this will be needed later (one set of batteries lasts 12 months approximately).
  1. How to change the batteries?

On each sensor, there is a small visible hole where a screw is accessible. 
You can change and easily substitute the batteries by taking off the sensor’s cap. Compatible batteries are (non-rechargeables) batteries — LR6/AA format.

A detailed guide is available here: Battery replacement for infrared sensors
  1. How do I know the sensors work correctly? 

You can proceed to test the beam crossings between the sensors: if a quick green signal lights up on the main sensor (box with the PTx20w inscription) whenever someone crosses the beam— this means the sensor is working. Watch out: the green signal is swift and bright, it requires attentiveness to be spotted.
  1. How do I know the data collector works correctly?

Normally, the data collector has 2 green LED lights and one white LED light. Below are some answers to frequently asked questions : 

  1. If the data collector is not plugged in for some time, does that mean that visitor’s flow data is lost? 

The data collected is not lost, we will retrieve it retroactively, and it will be visible in the admin web portal.
  1. If the professional tape does not work enough, on the wall or support where the sensors have been installed, what should I do?

If a problem happens while installing the sensors on the access points or walls (sensors do not maintain themselves on the respective walls, for instance), please do contact Affluences’ support at the following address: An alternative installation solution will be found..

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